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       Draft Regulation/Procedure
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1Draft Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (Revised Draft due to typographical error)PublicNoticeMYTDraftAmendment-pdf95202464019PM.pdf1761Draft Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (Revised Draft due to typographical error)
2Draft dt 29/07/24 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations 2024DraftRegulations2024-rar729202443225PM.rar1611Draft dt 29/07/24 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations 2024
3Draft - Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024NoticeforPublicHearing,DraftandExplanatoryMemorandumUPERC(FrameworkforResourceAdequacy)Regulations,2024-pdf73202435828PM.pdf1881Draft - Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024
4Draft dt 09/11/21 Second Amendment/Addendum of UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations 2019DraftAmendmentMYT2019-pdf11102021121626PM.pdf1691Draft dt 09/11/21 Second Amendment/Addendum of UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations 2019
5Order dt 17/05/19 13th Amendment Electricity Supply Code, 2005Order13thAmendment-pdf517201950602PM.pdf1283Order dt 17/05/19 13th Amendment Electricity Supply Code, 2005
6First Addendum-Amendment to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (FEES AND FINES) Regulations 2010FirstAddendum-AmendmenttoUttarPradeshElectricityRegulatoryCommission(FEESANDFINES)Regulations2010-pdf1211201854423PM.pdf963First Addendum-Amendment to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (FEES AND FINES) Regulations 2010
7Draft dt 13/03/18 Draft amendments: Clause 4.9 of Electricity Supply CodeDraftRegulationsSupplyCode[1993]-pdf316201810033PM.pdf1491Draft dt 13/03/18 Draft amendments: Clause 4.9 of Electricity Supply Code
8Order dated 16-06-2017 - Corigendum No.3 - Amendment in Chapter 1 of Cost Data Book In the Matter of providing installment facility to rural and urban domestic consumersorderdated16-6-2016-corrigendumno-3costdatabook-pdf622201744134PM.pdf1343Order dated 16-06-2017 - Corigendum No.3 - Amendment in Chapter 1 of Cost Data Book In the Matter of providing installment facility to rural and urban domestic consumers
Corrigendum Order no. 2 Dated 25-05-2016 - Amendment in Chapter no. 4 - System Loading Charges in Cost Data Book regarding exemption of system loading charges for connections up to 5 KW for all categories except industrial category (LMV-6). AmendmentinCost_Data_Book25-5-17-doc526201750113PM.doc1343Corrigendum Order no. 2 Dated 25-05-2016 - Amendment in Chapter no. 4 - System Loading Charges in Cost Data Book regarding exemption of system loading charges for connections up to 5 KW for all categories except industrial category (LMV-6).
9Discussion paper on Solar Tariff for FY 2015-16 to FY 2017-18 – under UPERC Captive and Renewable Energy Regulations, 2014 DiscussionpaperonSolartariffforFY16&17-docx5122017104556AM.docx1458Discussion paper on Solar Tariff for FY 2015-16 to FY 2017-18 – under UPERC Captive and Renewable Energy Regulations, 2014
10Draft dt 04/05/17 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Compliance Audit) Regulations,2012 UPERCCOMPLIANCEAUDITREGULATIONS2012-pdf54201722406PM.pdf1351Draft dt 04/05/17 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Compliance Audit) Regulations,2012
11Order No 1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 42 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.Orderdated27thOctober,2017-2-pdf227201732306PM.pdf1403Order No 1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 42 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.
12Order No1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 38 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.Orderdated27thOctober,2017-1-pdf227201730922PM.pdf1423Order No1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 38 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.
13Order dt 27/05/16 - Amendment No. 7 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005Orderdt-27-5-16-SupplyCode7thAmendment-pdf527201640052PM.pdf1283Order dt 27/05/16 - Amendment No. 7 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005
14Order dt 19-08-11 for review on tariff for generation on biomass (except bagasse) under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations,09) Order19-08-11forReviewontariffforgenerationonbiomass-pdf9142011115123AM.pdf963Order dt 19-08-11 for review on tariff for generation on biomass (except bagasse) under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations,09)
Order dt 12-08-11for review on tariff for solar power under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations, 09)Order12-08-11Reviewontariffforsolarpower-pdf9142011114558AM.pdf963Order dt 12-08-11for review on tariff for solar power under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations, 09)
1Draft Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (Revised Draft due to typographical error)
2Draft dt 29/07/24 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations 2024
3Draft - Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024
4Draft dt 09/11/21 Second Amendment/Addendum of UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations 2019
5Order dt 17/05/19 13th Amendment Electricity Supply Code, 2005
6First Addendum-Amendment to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (FEES AND FINES) Regulations 2010
7Draft dt 13/03/18 Draft amendments: Clause 4.9 of Electricity Supply Code
8Order dated 16-06-2017 - Corigendum No.3 - Amendment in Chapter 1 of Cost Data Book In the Matter of providing installment facility to rural and urban domestic consumers
 Corrigendum Order no. 2 Dated 25-05-2016 - Amendment in Chapter no. 4 - System Loading Charges in Cost Data Book regarding exemption of system loading charges for connections up to 5 KW for all categories except industrial category (LMV-6).
9Discussion paper on Solar Tariff for FY 2015-16 to FY 2017-18 – under UPERC Captive and Renewable Energy Regulations, 2014
10Draft dt 04/05/17 Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Compliance Audit) Regulations,2012
11Order No 1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 42 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.
12Order No1. dt 23/02/17 - Issued under clause 38 (Power to Remove Difficulties) of Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in the matter of Base Year.
13Order dt 27/05/16 - Amendment No. 7 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005
14Order dt 19-08-11 for review on tariff for generation on biomass (except bagasse) under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations,09)
 Order dt 12-08-11for review on tariff for solar power under UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 09 (CNCE Regulations, 09)
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