Sr. No. | Regulation | | |
1 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2025 | NotifiedNotifiedUPERC(MYTforDistributionandTransmissionTariff)(ThirdAmendment)Regulations2025andSOR-rar221202541251PM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MYT for Distribution and Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2025 |
2 | UPERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024 | NotifiedUPERC(TermsandConditionsforOpenAccess)(FirstAmendment)Regulations,2024andSOR-rar220202515555PM.rar | UPERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024 |
3 | UPERC (Grant of Connectivity to intra-State Transmission System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024 | NotifiedUPERCGrantofConnectivityFirstAmendment-pdf312024115203AM.pdf | UPERC (Grant of Connectivity to intra-State Transmission System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2024 |
4 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Appointment of Consultants) Regulations, 2023 | NotifiedUPERCAppointmentofConsultantRegulations-pdf1218202310526AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Appointment of Consultants) Regulations, 2023 |
5 | UPERC(Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering)Regulations 2019 Second Amendment | NotifiedRSPVSecondAmendment-pdf1128202342747AM.pdf | UPERC(Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering)Regulations 2019 Second Amendment |
6 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power System Development Fund) Regulations, 2023 | NotifiedNotifiedPSDFRegulations-pdf-pdf1128202344705AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power System Development Fund) Regulations, 2023 |
7 | UPERC Facilitation of Telecommunication Network Regulations, 2022 | NotifiedU-P-E-R-C-(TelecomNetworkFacilities)Regulations,2022-pdf4162023104644PM.pdf | UPERC Facilitation of Telecommunication Network Regulations, 2022 |
8 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission Modalities of Tariff Determination Regulations 2023 | NotifiedUttarPradeshElectricityRegulatoryCommissionModalitiesofTariffDeterminationRegulations2022-rar313202412925AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission Modalities of Tariff Determination Regulations 2023 |
9 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Verification of Generating Plants and Captive Consumers) Regulation, 2022 | Notified(VerificationofGeneratingPlantsandCaptiveConsumersRegulation,2022-pdf4162023110003PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Verification of Generating Plants and Captive Consumers) Regulation, 2022 |
10 | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) Regulations, 2022 | NotifiedUPERC(CGRF)Regulations,2022-pdf920202213410PM.pdf | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) Regulations, 2022 |
12 | UPERC(Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering)Regulations 2019 First Amendment /Addendum | NotifiedNetMetering-pdf817202233511PM.pdf | UPERC(Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering)Regulations 2019 First Amendment /Addendum |
13 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations, 2019 Second Amendment) Regulation,2022 | NotifiedMYTREGULATION,2019SECONDAMEND-pdf328202221055PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations, 2019 Second Amendment) Regulation,2022 |
14 | Amendment of Regulation 20 of UPERC (MYT for Distribution) Regulations 2014 and Regulation 16 of of UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations 2019 in regard to computation of incremental cost / fuel surcharge (Notified dt 05/06/20) | NotifiedMYT-pdf215202113007PM.pdf | Amendment of Regulation 20 of UPERC (MYT for Distribution) Regulations 2014 and Regulation 16 of of UPERC (MYT for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations 2019 in regard to computation of incremental cost / fuel surcharge (Notified dt 05/06/20) |
15 | UPERC (Merit Order Despatch and Optimization of Power Purchase) Regulations, 2021 | NotifiedMOD_Regulations-rar212202163553PM.rar | UPERC (Merit Order Despatch and Optimization of Power Purchase) Regulations, 2021 |
17 | UPERC (Fees & Charges of State Load Despatch Centre and other related matters) Regulation, 2020 (Notified dt 14/05/2020) | NotifiedFeesandchargesSLDC2020-pdf813202014011PM.pdf | UPERC (Fees & Charges of State Load Despatch Centre and other related matters) Regulation, 2020 (Notified dt 14/05/2020) |
18 | Procedure for Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement of Solar and Wind Generation Sources, 2020 | Procedureforforecasting-pdf320202051144PM.pdf | Procedure for Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement of Solar and Wind Generation Sources, 2020 |
19 | First Amendment/Addendum to UPERC (Captive and Renewable Energy Generating Plants), Regulations, 2019 (CRE Regulations, 2019)) | FirstAmendmentinCRERegulation,2019-pdf242020122121PM.pdf | First Amendment/Addendum to UPERC (Captive and Renewable Energy Generating Plants), Regulations, 2019 (CRE Regulations, 2019)) |
20 | UPERC (Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2019 | NotifiedSOP-rar216202160923PM.rar | UPERC (Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2019 |
21 | UPERC Open Access Regulations, 2019 | NotifiedOpenAccess2019-rar110202041912PM.rar | UPERC Open Access Regulations, 2019 |
22 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations, 2019 | NotifiedMultiYearTariffforDistributionAndTransmissionRegulations2019-pdf1121201942418PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission) Regulations, 2019 |
23 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2019 | Notifiedcbr2019-pdf1118201944636PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2019 |
24 | UPERC (Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulation, 2019 | NotifiedT&CGenerationTariff-rar129202032124PM.rar | UPERC (Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulation, 2019 |
25 | UPERC (Captive and Renewable Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 2019
(CRE Regulations, 2019) | NotifiedCRE_2019-rar94201942021PM.rar | UPERC (Captive and Renewable Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 2019
(CRE Regulations, 2019) |
26 | UPERC (Promotion of Green Energy through Renewable Purchase Obligation) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 | NotifiedRegulation-pdf820201955814PM.pdf | UPERC (Promotion of Green Energy through Renewable Purchase Obligation) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 |
27 | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations (First Amendment), 2019 | CGRF_Ombudsman-pdf619201952426PM.pdf | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations (First Amendment), 2019 |
28 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) Second Amendment Regulations, 2019 | Recruitment,ControlandServiceConditionsofStaff-pdf5302019122740PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) Second Amendment Regulations, 2019 |
29 | Amendment No. 13 - U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | 13thAmendment-pdf530201914016PM.pdf | Amendment No. 13 - U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
30 | First Addendum-Amendment to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (FEES AND FINES) Regulations 2010 | Fees&Fines-pdf226201992735PM.pdf | First Addendum-Amendment to Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (FEES AND FINES) Regulations 2010 |
31 | UPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering) Regulations, 2019 (RSPV Regulations, 2019) | NotifiedStatement_of_Reasons_and_RSPV_Regulations_2019Final-rar114201924054PM.rar | UPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering) Regulations, 2019 (RSPV Regulations, 2019) |
32 | ABT (Solar & Wind) Regulation 2018 (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters) | ABT(Solar&Wind)2018Regulation-pdf1228201875919PM.pdf | ABT (Solar & Wind) Regulation 2018 (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters) |
33 | Statement Of Reasons (ABT (Solar & Wind) Regulation 2018 (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters)) | StatementOfReasonsABT(Solar&Wind)Regulation2018(Forecasting,Scheduling,DeviationSettlementandRelatedMatters)-pdf1228201881150PM.pdf | Statement Of Reasons (ABT (Solar & Wind) Regulation 2018 (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters)) |
34 | Amendment No. 10 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | 10thAmendmentSupplyCode-pdf1110201710835PM.pdf | Amendment No. 10 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
35 | Amendment No. 9 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | SupplyCode9thAmendment-pdf1110201710353PM.pdf | Amendment No. 9 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
36 | Amendment No. 8 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | SupplyCode8thAmendmentdt,21-9-16-docx926201650936PM.docx | Amendment No. 8 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
37 | Amendment No.1 to Cost Data Book 2016 (Addendum to the ANNEXURE- 27 of the Cost Data Book) | Addundum_to_Cost_Data_Book21-09-16-pdf926201634644PM.pdf | Amendment No.1 to Cost Data Book 2016 (Addendum to the ANNEXURE- 27 of the Cost Data Book) |
38 | Amendment No. 7 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | Orderdt-27-5-16-SupplyCode7thAmendment-pdf527201635822PM.pdf | Amendment No. 7 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
39 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Mini-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Regulations) Regulation,2016 | NotifiedUPERCMinigridregulations2016-pdf411201630132PM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Mini-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Regulations) Regulation,2016 |
40 | Cost Data Book 2016 | CostDataBook2016-pdf33201650733PM.pdf | Cost Data Book 2016 |
41 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 | NotifiedUPERC(MutliYearTransmissionTariff)Regulation,2014-PDF1182016113821AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 |
42 | Amendment No.6 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | 6thAmendmentsupplycodedt-16-6-15-pdf6192015113056AM.pdf | Amendment No.6 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
43 | UPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering) Regulations, 2015 (RSPV Regulations, 2015) | NotifiedFINALUPERCRSVPREGULATIONSalongwithSORandResponse-rar320201545522PM.rar | UPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross / Net Metering) Regulations, 2015 (RSPV Regulations, 2015) |
44 | Amendment No. 5 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | Notified5thAmendment-SupplyCodeEngliesh-pdf12182014102146AM.pdf | Amendment No. 5 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
45 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014 | NotifiedUPERC(MYTDISTRIBUTIONSTARIFFREGULATIONS)2014-rar11282014122816PM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2014 |
46 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT) Regulations 2014 | NotifiedDSMRegulations,2014-pdf3152016104352AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT) Regulations 2014 |
47 | UPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Distribution Tariff) Regulation,2012 (First Amendment) | NotifiedDISTRIBUTIONTARIFFREG-(AMENDMENTS)-pdf9102012115224AM.pdf | UPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Distribution Tariff) Regulation,2012 (First Amendment) |
48 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Compliance Audit) Regulations,2012 | NotifiedUPERCCOMPLIANCEAUDITREGULATIONS2012-pdf542017110713AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Compliance Audit) Regulations,2012 |
49 | UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 2009 (CNCE Regulations, 2009) (Notified on 08-01-2011) | CNCERegulations2009-pdf1192011115641AM.pdf | UPERC (Captive and Non-Conventional Energy Generating Plants) Regulations, 2009 (CNCE Regulations, 2009) (Notified on 08-01-2011) |
50 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2006 (Notified on 09-11-2006) | | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2006 (Notified on 09-11-2006) |
51 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2006 (Notified on 09-11-2006) | | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2006 (Notified on 09-11-2006) |
52 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (General Conditions of Transmission Licence) Regulations, 2005 (Notified on 03-06-2006) | Transmission-Licese-Regulations2005-pdf1192011110027AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (General Conditions of Transmission Licence) Regulations, 2005 (Notified on 03-06-2006) |
53 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (General Conditions of Distribution Licence) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 21-05-2005) | GeneralconditionofDistributionLicence2004-pdf1192011105350AM.pdf | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (General Conditions of Distribution Licence) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 21-05-2005) |
54 | UPERC (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2006 | ServiceRegulationsAmendment-I2006-pdf1192011103016AM.pdf | UPERC (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2006 |
55 | UPERC (Procedure Terms & Conditions for grant of Trading Licence for Intrastate Electricity Trader and other related provisions) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 18-06-2005) | INTRASTATETRADINGLICENSE_HINDI-ENGLISH_-pdf1192011104813AM.pdf | UPERC (Procedure Terms & Conditions for grant of Trading Licence for Intrastate Electricity Trader and other related provisions) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 18-06-2005) |
56 | UPERC (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 08-12-2004) | ServiceRegulations2004-pdf1192011102134AM.pdf | UPERC (Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Staff) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 08-12-2004) |
57 | UP Electricity Grid Code 2007 | GridCode2007-rar119201123420AM.rar | UP Electricity Grid Code 2007 |
58 | UPERC (Procedure, terms and conditions for payment of fee and charges to State Load Despatch Centre and Other related provisions) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 18-06-2005) | SLDCREGULATIONS2004HINDI-ENGLISH-pdf119201160016AM.pdf | UPERC (Procedure, terms and conditions for payment of fee and charges to State Load Despatch Centre and Other related provisions) Regulations, 2004 (Notified on 18-06-2005) |
59 | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2007 (Notified on 04-12-2007) | CGRF-Ombudsman2007ENGHINDI)-pdf119201124649AM.pdf | UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2007 (Notified on 04-12-2007) |
60 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Treatment of income of Other Businesses of Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2004 | OtherBusinessLicense2004-rar119201152952AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Treatment of income of Other Businesses of Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2004 |
61 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Fees & Fines) Regulations, 2010 | FeesAndFine2010-rar1192011124522AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Fees & Fines) Regulations, 2010 |
62 | UP Electricity Ombudsman (Terms & Conditions of Service) Regulations, 2007 (Notified on 10-11-2007) | OmbudsmanTermsConditionsofService2007-pdf119201151702AM.pdf | UP Electricity Ombudsman (Terms & Conditions of Service) Regulations, 2007 (Notified on 10-11-2007) |
63 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity to intra-State Transmission System) Regulations, 2010 (Notification dated 28-10-2010) | NotifiedUPERCGrantofConnectivityToIntra-STSRgulations2010-rar131201124837AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity to intra-State Transmission System) Regulations, 2010 (Notification dated 28-10-2010) |
64 | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Promotion of Green Energy through Renewable Purchase Obligation) Regulations,2010 (Notified) | NotifiedPromotionofGreenEnergythroughRPORegulations2010-rar21201134418AM.rar | Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Promotion of Green Energy through Renewable Purchase Obligation) Regulations,2010 (Notified) |
65 | Amendment No. 4 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code 2005 (Notified dt 14/06/08) | ESC,2005-4thAmendment-19thMarch2008-rar9132011124717PM.rar | Amendment No. 4 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code 2005 (Notified dt 14/06/08) |
66 | UPERC (Terms & Conditions for supply of Power and Fixation of Tariff for sale of power from Captive Generating Plants, Co-generation, Renewable Sources of Energy and other Non-Conventional Sources of Energy based plants to a Distribution Licensee) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2008 | Captive-NonconventionalRegulationsAmendment-I2008-rar48201141055AM.rar | UPERC (Terms & Conditions for supply of Power and Fixation of Tariff for sale of power from Captive Generating Plants, Co-generation, Renewable Sources of Energy and other Non-Conventional Sources of Energy based plants to a Distribution Licensee) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2008 |
67 | U.P. Electricity Supply Code 2005, consolidated upto 3rd Amendment. (Notified dt 14/09/06) | ESC2005upto3rdamendment-rar9132011110038AM.rar | U.P. Electricity Supply Code 2005, consolidated upto 3rd Amendment. (Notified dt 14/09/06) |
68 | UPERC (Terms & Conditions for Supply and fixation of Tariff for sale of power from Captive, Co-gen, Renewables & other NCES) Regulations, 2005 | Captive-NonconventionalRegulations2005Effective280705-pdf48201140115AM.pdf | UPERC (Terms & Conditions for Supply and fixation of Tariff for sale of power from Captive, Co-gen, Renewables & other NCES) Regulations, 2005 |
69 | Amendment No. 2 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | AmendmentsNo-2toElectricitySupplyCode2005Dt-5-05-2005-pdf912201151534PM.pdf | Amendment No. 2 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
70 | Amendment No. 1 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 | AmendmentsNo-1toElectricitySupplyCode2005Dt-1-03-2005-pdf912201150501PM.pdf | Amendment No. 1 to the U.P. Electricity Supply Code, 2005 |
71 | U.P. Electricity Supply Code - 2005 | | U.P. Electricity Supply Code - 2005 |
72 | U.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission (Constitution of State Advisory Committee and its Functioning) Regulations - 2004 | StateAdvisoryCommittee2004-rar131201134440AM.rar | U.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission (Constitution of State Advisory Committee and its Functioning) Regulations - 2004 |